Military Sexual Slavery
Survivors | Hearing at U.S. Congress | Japanese Officers
LEI Guiying

Translation of Lei's testimony. In 2006, Lei told her story to a group of visiting Canadian teachers in Shanghai.
Watch Video Now (3:09 min)
Jan Ruff O'Herne

Jan was on an Australian Broadcasting Corporation program - Talking Heads with Peter Thompson, 2009
Watch Video Now (26:01 min)
Korean Halmonies

A group of Korean survivors (known as "Halmonies") of Japan's military sexual slavery shares their experiences. This footage is excerpts from the documentary "The Butterflies: flying high with hope - 20 years of history and Halmonies' peace".
Watch Video Now (5:06 min)
KIM Young-shil
(Handout of BC Teacher's Guide, p.56-7; excerpted from Comfort Women Speak edited by Sangmie Choi Schellstede, published by Holmes and Meier, pp. 48-51)
LIU Mianhuan
Translation of Liu's story testified during her visit to Canada in 2007.
Voices of Sexual Slaves in Shanghai
Audio documentary by Canadian journalist, Souad Sharabani
Listen Now(mp3, 4:31 min)

Survivor's Statements Made at the U.S. House of Representatives, 2007
A Hearing on Protecting the Human Rights of "comfort women" was held on February 15, 2007 by the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and the Global Environment Committee of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives. Three survivors came forward to make their statements on the Japanese military sexual slavery.
Lee Yong-Soo
Korean Council for Women Drafted for Japanese Military Sexual Slavery
At the age of 16, Lee was drafted, and transported by a Japanese "comfort station" owner to Taiwan via Kyongju, Anju, and Shanghai in 1945, serving a commando unit.
Kim Koon Ja
National Korean American Service and Education Consortium
In March, 1942, Kim was deceived for a job and transported by the military to China. She was raped repeatedly and forced to have an abortion.
Jan Ruff O'Herne
Friends of "Comfort Women" in Australia
Jan was born in Java in 1923 of a fourth generation Dutch colonial family. In 1942, she was interned in a Japanese prison camp for 3.5 years, and tortured in a military brothel in Semarang.
Full Transcript of the Hearing on Protecting the Human Rights of "Comfort Women"

Japanese Officers
Aso Tetsuo
From Shanghai to Shanghai: The War Diary of an Imperial Japanese Army Medical Officer, 1937-1941 (Translated by Hal Gold). View book information at