The Rape of Nanking
Selected Documents & References |
Related Websites
Books and DVDs |
News Reports
Selected Documents & References
- Butchery Marked Capture of Nanking (New York Times articles by F. Tillman Durdin, December 18, 1937)
- Documentary: Nanking Massacre-Japanese Atrocities filmed by John Magee – Watch video now
- Documentary: A video by John G. Magee in 1937 – Watch
- Genocide Fast Facts (CNN Library)
- The Occupation of Nanking: Two Accounts by Eye-witnesses (by anonymous staff of the Red Cross)
- Statement of Miner S. Bates, Professor of History in University of Nanking, on Feb 6, 1947
Related Websites
- The Nanking Massacre Project from the Special Collections of the Yale Divinity School Library
- The Visual History Archive: Collection on the Nanjing Massacre [USC Shoah Foundation]
- WWW Memorial Hall of the Victims in the Nanjing Massacre [ Chinese University of Hong Kong]
- Nanjing 1937: The Memorial Hall
- National Memorial of China
- Documentary of the Nanjing Massacre [State Archive Administration of China], 2014 (in Chinese, with original English and Japanese documents)
- The Nanking Massacre December 1937 (originally titled “The Nanking Atrocities” by Masato Kajimoto in 2000)
- The Basic Facts on the Nanking Massacre and the Tokyo War Crimes Trial. Online: New Jersey Hong Kong Network, 1990.
- Online Book: Gray, Robert (Translator). Japanese Imperialism and the Massacre in Nanjing, 1996
- John Rabe and International Safety Zone Memorial Hall; (Chinese and English site by Nanjing University)
- The Fall of Shanghai: Prelude to The Rape of Nanking & WWII (2015, Warfare History Network)

Books and DVDs
- "You can never forget, never…" – Her Stories. Korean Council for Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan, 2008.
- Chang, Iris. The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II. New York: Penguin, 1997. Print. ISBN: 0-14-027744-7.
- Chang, Ying Ying. The Woman Who Could Not Forget: Iris Chang Before And Beyond The Rape Of Nanking. New York: Pegasus, 2011. ISBN: 978-1605981727
- Hu, Hua-ling. American Goddess at the Rape of Nanking: The Courage of Minnie Vautrin. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2000. ISBN: 0809323036. (Grade 9+).
- Hua-ling Hu & Lian-hong Zhang (eds.) The Undaunted Women of Nanking: The Wartime Diaries of Minnie Vautrin and Tsen Shui-fang. Carbondale Southern Illinois University Press, 2010. ISBN-10: 0809329638 ISBN-13: 978-0809329632
- Iris Chang Memorial Fund. Denial and Its Cost: Reflections on Nanking Massacre 70 Years Ago and Beyond - Best Essays from Iris Chang Memorial Essay Contest 2007. New York: Cozy House, 2008. ISBN: 9781593430801
Iris Chang Memorial Fund, Iris Chang and The Forgotten Holocaust - Best Essays from Iris Chang Memorial Essay Contest 2006.New York: Cozy House, 2007. ISBN:9781593430603
- Katsuichi, Honda. The Nanjing Massacre: A Japanese Journalist Confronts Japan's National Shame. Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe, 1999. Print. ISBN: 0765603349 ISBN: 0765603357
Rabe, John. The Good Man of Nanking: The Diaries of John Rabe. New York: Vintage, 1998 (reprinted 2000). ISBN: 0375701974. 294 p.: ill. (Grade 10+)
Shulman, William L. The Nanjing Massacre: Genocide and Denial. Bayside, NY: Holocaust Resource Centre, (Year not specified).
Smalley, Martha L. (ed). American Missionary Eyewitnesses to the Nanking Massacre, 1937 – 1938. Yale Divinity School Library Occasional Publication No. 9, 1997.
Young, Shi and James Yin. The Rape of Nanking: An Undeniable History in Photographs. Chicago: Innovative, 1996.
Zhu, Chen Shan, ed. The Picture Collection of Nanjing Massacre and International Rescue. Jiangsu: Ancient Book, 2002.
City of Life and Death (Nanking Nanking – original title) (DVD) Director: Lu Chuan. 2009
Forgotten Holocaust. (DVD) Director Raymond Lemoine. British Columbia Association for Learning and Preserving the History of WWII in Asia (ALPHA), 2007.
Good Nazi. Videorecording. ABC News Nightline of December 11, 1997.
- In the Name of the Emperor. Videorecording. Producer/directory Nancy Tong. New York: Filmakers Library, 1996.
- Iris Chang – The Rape of Nanking. (DVD) Director Bill Spahic & Ann Pick. Produced by Real to Reel in association of Canada Association for Learning & Preserving the History of WWII in Asia , Toronto, 2007.
- John Rabe. Director Florian Gallenberger. Co-Producers Benjamin Herrmann & Mischa Hofmann. Distributed by Strand Releasing in North America, 2009.
- May and August. (DVD) Director Raymond To. Hong Kong: Universe, 2002.
- Rev. Magee's Testament – A Documentary of Nanjing Massacre 1937 – 1938. Videorecording. 1996.
The Rape of Nanking. (DVD) Director: Lou Reda, The History Channel, 1997.
Torn Memories of Nanjing. (DVD) Director Tamaki Matsuoka, 2009
Voices of Survivors of the Asian Holocaust. Compact disc. Collected by Souad Sharabani. Toronto Association for Learning & Preserving the History of WWII in Asia.

News Reports
- Scarred by History: The Rape of Nanjing (BBC News – 11 April 2005) A news background article with witnesses and testimonies made by westerners working in Nanjing at the time as well as Japanese soldier and correspondent.