POWs & Forced Labour
Selected Documents & References |
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Selected Documents & References
- Convention concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour (1930)
- Abolition of Forced Labour Convention (1957)
- WWII POW and Forced Labor Compensation Cases (The Library of Congress – USA)
- Hanaoka Incident of the Kajima Corporation
- Publicly Traded Companies that Benefited from Forced or Slave Labor, 1929-1945 (December 2011) Download PDF
- Kang Jian, “Rejected by All Plaintiffs: Failure of the Nishimatsu-Shinanogawa ‘Settlement’ with Chinese Forced Laborers in Wartime Japan”. The Asia-Pacific Journal, 32-5-10, August 9, 2010.
- William Underwood, “Redress Crossroads in Japan: Decisive Phase in Campaigns to Compensate Korean and Chinese Wartime Forced Laborers”. The Asia-Pacific Journal, 30-1-10, July 26, 2010.
- Kim Hyo Soon and Kil Yun Hyung, “Remembering and Redressing the Forced Mobilization of Korean Laborers by Imperial Japan”. The Asia-Pacific Journal, 7-3-10, February 15, 2010.
- Kang Jian, Arimitsu Ken and William Underwood, “Assessing the Nishimatsu Corporate Approach to Redressing Chinese Forced Labor in Wartime Japan”. The Asia-Pacific Journal, 47-1-09, November 23, 2009.
- William Underwood, “Proof of POW Forced Labor for Japan’s Foreign Minister: The Aso Mines”. The Asia-Pacific Journal, Japan Focus, May 28, 2007.
- William Underwood, “The Japanese Court, Mitsubishi and Corporate Resistance to Chinese Forced Labor Redress”. The Asia-Pacific Journal, Japan Focus, February 8, 2006.
- POWs/Forced Labor: Japan
- The Chinese Forced-labor Lawsuit: the Case of Liu Lianren, Presentation at the GA Conference, Nov 15-17, 2002. (PDF)
- Japanese govt should compensate forced Chinese laborers: experts (Tokyo High Court verdict on the case of Liu Lianren) June 25, 2005
Related Websites & Videos
- Judicial Proceedings: POWs and Forced Labor
- Prisoners of War of the Japanese 1939-1945 (Forces War Records, UK)
- Foundation EVZ “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future” (Germany)
- Far East POW Community
- Taiwan PoW Camps Memorial Society
- American and European Women Prisoners of Japan
- The Center for Internee Rights, Inc.
- Forgotten Holocaust watch on Youtube
- The Thai-Burma Railway & Hellfire Pass: Australian POWs 1942-1945 (Australian Government)
The Burma Railway (watch on Youtube below):

Books & DVDs
Daws, Gavan. Prisoners of the Japanese : Pows of World War II in the Pacific. New York: Quill, 1994.
Tenney, Lester I. My Hitch in Hell: The Bataan Death March. Washington: Brassey's, 1995.
Tromp, Sheri G. (ed.) Four Years Till Tomorrow: Despair and Hope in Wartime Dutch East Indies. Vanderheide Publishing, 1999.
Witness to History: Canadian Survivors of WWII in Asia (DVD). British Columbia Association for Learning and Preserving the History of WWII in Asia (ALPHA), 2005. archive.alpha-canada.org/OralHistory

News Reports
- 2006-08-08 NHK's finest hour: Japan's official record of Chinese forced labor William Underwood outlines NHK's gradual shift from investigative journalism to the nation's paper most likely to report favorably on the government
- 2005-06-24 Japanese firm made him suffer; Now Japanese govt makes him angry (Geng Zhun and the Hanaoka uprising of the forced slave labour)