
for more details.

Petition to the Government of Canada to Establish Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day
Canadian federal lawmaker Jenny Kwan has re-appealed to the Canadian government to designate Dec. 13 as Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day in the country. MP Jenny Kwan pointed out that there is no question that this issue goes beyond partisan politics. This is about the formal recognition of atrocities, learning from history, and paying tribute to those impacted.
“This is not only to commemorate the victims and survivors, but in the aim of preventing such atrocities from happening again. The Nanjing Massacre is often referred to as a ‘forgotten Holocaust’. It is incumbent on us to ensure that atrocities of this magnitude are not forgotten,” she said.
“It is my hope that the government will work with me to ensure that history is not ignored, that the Nanjing Massacre is not a ‘forgotten holocaust,’ and for the Canadian government to recognize this December 13, and each Dec. 13 moving forward, as Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day,” added the lawmaker in her statement on April 19, 2018.
With over 100 community organizations, Canada ALPHA supports the signature campaign for the Petition to the Government of Canada to Establish Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day. Please sign the online Petition and/or help collect supporters with the paper Petition Form.
Click to view posters (English or Chinese)
Click to watch docudrama, “Scars of Nanking” watch
Click to read news reports:-
5 May, 2018 Campaign for Nanking Massacre Commemorative Day: 關慧貞發起10萬人連署 read
21 April, 2018 Canadian lawmaker re-appeals for establishing Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day read
Debut screening of the new feature documentary film “731 – How America Exploited Japan’s Biological Weapons Crimes”
The new documentary film “731 – How America Exploited Japan’s Biological Weapons Crimes” will have its debut theatrical screening March 15th, at 7:30pm at in Vancouver. This documentary is produced by Paul Johnson, a Canadian journalist and documentary maker. Watch the trailer here:
Click here for more details | Click here to see poster | Click here to view photos of the screening
Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the Nanking Massacre
Join us to appreciate the works of Tamaki Matsuoka – “The Conscience of Japan”. The program will include screening of documentary, 1300 Lives Lost by Taiping (Peace) Gate (75 min) and Book Reading of Torn Memories of Nanking.
Click here for more details | Click here to see poster
The 9th International Human Rights Day Student Symposium
This annual International Human Rights Day Student Symposium has been organized since 2009 to help students better understand and reflect on human rights violations during the Asia-Pacific War (1931- 1945), and to make connections to contemporary local and global issues. The 2017 Student Symposium was successfully held at the Prince of Wales Secondary School from January 12 to 13 with an attendance of 1000 students and teachers. Click here for more details; Photo
Let Peace be Their Memorial 2017
BC ALPHA joined this annual event with local peace organizations on Remembrance Day to recognize overlooked victims of war. This year, the wreath of BC ALPHA is dedicated in particular to victims of Nanking Massacre that took place 80 years ago. Click here for media reports.
Let Peace be Their Memorial
On Remembrance Day, representatives of BC ALPHA attended the wreath laying ceremony to recognize overlooked victims of war jointly hosted by Vancouver Peace Poppies and the BC Humanist Association at Seaforth Peace Park, Vancouver. The wreath of BC ALPHA is dedicated in particular to victims of Japan’s military sexual slavery and other war atrocities during WWII in Asia. Click here for more details
Author Talks: Chinese Comfort Women
Join author Peipei Qiu for a talk about her book Chinese Comfort Women: Testimonies from Imperial Japan’s Sex Slaves. This book is the first English account of the unfathomable atrocities experienced by Chinese women who were forced to become ‘comfort women’ during Japan’s invasion of China. click here for more details | click to view Author Talks photos
An Evening Workshop: The “Comfort Women” and Contemporary Forms of Sexual Violence Against Women
Through presentations and small-group discussions, we will explore the “Comfort Women” issue as not merely an historical phenomenon but as a manifestation of systemic oppression that is directly connected to contemporary forms of sexual violence against women worldwide. click here for more details
100 Million Signatures Campaign for the Resolution of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery
The world demands the Japanese Government: Issue a State Apology and Provide Legal Reparations to the Victims! click here to sign up
International Human Rights Day Student Symposium
This annual Student Symposium has been organized since 2009 to help students better understand and reflect on human rights violations during the Asia-Pacific War (1931- 1945). This year the symposium was held on December 5 & 6. click here for more information
Toronto ALPHA Youth speak at the UN HRC Parallel Event
Toronto Association for Learning and Preserving the History of World War II in Asia (Toronto ALPHA) held a press conference to recognize the Youth Ambassadors who recently spoke at the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) parallel event “Justice for the survivors of Japan’s wartime system of military sexual slavery.” The event, which was held on September 11, 2013, in Geneva, Switzerland, was led and organized by Amnesty International and the Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan (Korean Council). Click to read more
Social Justice Conference 2013: From the Personal to the Universal
Chinese, Japanese Canadians mark 75th anniversary of Nanjing Massacre
International Human Rights Day Student Symposium
Peace and Reconciliation Study Tour for Canadian Teachers
Premier Book Launch in Vancouver – Meeting Prof. Ying-Ying Chang
Pacific War in Stamps Exhibition in Commemoration of the 65th Anniversary of WWII in Asia
Forgotten Voices, Living History – International Conference for Educators on the WWII in Asia
First International Human Rights Day Student Symposium
Peace and Reconciliation Study Tour for Canadian Teachers (5th year)
Peace and Reconciliation Study Tour for Canadian Teachers (4th year)
Vancouver premiere & screenings of the movie “Iris Chang The Rape of Nanking“
World Peace Forum Asia Regional Conference
Premiere Screening of the Documentary Witness to History: Canadian Survivors of WWII in Asia
Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the End of WWII in Asia
Multi-Ethnic Position Paper for Redress, Reconciliation and Peace in the Asia-Pacific
Petition to oppose Japan’s bid for a permanent seat on UN Security Council
Commemoration of Iris Chang
Canadian Delegation to Support Biological Warfare Survivors in their Appeal to Tokyo Courts
- Canadian Delegation to Support Biological Warfare Survivors in their Appeal to Tokyo Courts – Support Statement
- Backgrounder of the Lawsuit against the Japanese government for its Biological Warfare in China during WWII
- Biography of Canadian Delegation
- Summary of Activities
- Press Release (Traditional Chinese) Download PDF