BC Ministry of Education Teacher’s Guide

* A French version is also available and can be purchased online from the
Government Publication Services.

Human Rights in the Asia Pacific 1931-1945:
Social Responsibility and Global Citizenship
(A Resource Guide for Teachers to Support Aspects of Senior Social Studies Curriculum)
Developed in 2001 by the Ministry of Education of British Columbia
in partnership with BC ALPHA.
The purpose of this teacher's guide is to support the high school curriculums of Social Studies 11, History 12, Social Justice 12 and Law 12 in British Columbia, Canada. It addresses issues related to the atrocities that occurred during the Asia-Pacific War (1931-1945), including the redress movement for victims and survivors, such as the former military sexual salves (the so-called "Comfort Women") of the Japanese Imperial Army. Our Organization is honoured to be a partner of this meaningful project, working together with teachers of the B.C. Teachers' Federation and with historians.
We believe this endeavour by educators in Canada contributes positively to humanity, justice, and world peace.

The teacher's guide is split into separate PDF files for easier access and download.
- Acknowledgements and Table of Contents (download, 9 mb)
- Introduction (download, 10 mb)
- Teacher Backgrounder (download, 10 mb)
- Lesson 1 - War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity & Handout (download, 2.3 mb)
- Lesson 2 - Nanking Massacre and Other Atorcties & Handouts (download, 4.3 mb)
- Lesson 3 - Canadian Hong Kong Veterans & Handouts (download, 3 mb)
- Lesson 4 - International Law, Reconciliation, and Redress & Handouts (download, 1.3 mb)
- Lesson 5 - Making a Difference and Extension Activities & Handout (download, 4.2 mb)