Why Teach About Justice and Humanity in the Asian Holocaust?
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
– George Santayana
– George Santayana
- Traditionally, Canadian textbooks have focused on the European theatre in World War II, and the War in Asia has often been neglected.
- As Canada's gateway to the Pacific, British Columbia has an increasing number of Asian heritage, and their family histories include the war in Asia (1931-1945).
- Canadians had a small but significant role in the Asia-Pacific theatre during and after the war, and we can learn from this experience.
- Many grievances related to the war have not yet been resolved and a movement for redress has emerged.
- Finally, this resource offers an opportunity to better understand the relationship between the war and the post-war evolution of international regulations regarding human rights, justice, and armed conflict.
-- Extract from Human Rights in the Asia Pacific 1931-1945: A Resource Guide for Teachers, published by Ministry of Education, Province of British Columbia
"If world peace ever happens, it will be built on knowledge."
– June Callwood
– June Callwood

"All human sufferings connect us." -- Joy Kogawa, Japanese Canadian poet and novelist

"I have never heard of the genocide in WWII in Asia, it is a totally new experience for me." -- Elexi, Vancouver Technical Secondary student
What Support Could ALPHA Offer to Teachers?
- Arrange speakers, survivors, and eye-witnesses to speak at schools
- Provide reference and video materials on loan to teachers
- Produce and maintain web-based learning resources
- Make traveling exhibits on different topics of Asian Holocaust available on loan to schools and teachers
- Partner with schools and educators for Asian Holocaust educational projects