Book Review: Chinese Comfort Women

“This book is heart-rending and courageous. It gives voice, for the first time in English, to the Chinese women enslaved by the Japanese armies during the invasion and occupation of China. I finished it with a great respect for the victims whose stories are told here and for the historians who have brought them to light.”
— Diana Lary, author of The Chinese People at War: Human Suffering and Social Transformation, 1937-1945
“This work contributes significantly to the literature on ‘comfort women’ and on the question of violence against women in war, generally. The individual histories documented in this book are very moving, particularly because they include discussion, not only of the terrible ordeals undergone by these women during the war, but also of their family backgrounds before the war and of their experiences in later life.”
— Tessa Morris-Suzuki, author of Borderline Japan: Foreigners and Frontier Controls in the Postwar Era
“An impressive book, well-written and researched. It provides an excellent analysis of the scope, nature, and prevalence of comfort stations in China and documents the lived experiences of Chinese comfort women. This book expertly knits together a range of invaluable primary sources hitherto only available in Chinese, with secondary documentation in Japanese, Chinese, and English.”
— Nicola Henry, author of War and Rape: Law, Memory and Justice
October 24, 2017 – Chinese ‘comfort women’: accounts of Japan’s wartime sex slaves remembered in newly translated book South China Morning Post
Decmeber, 30, 2014 – The “comfort women” and Japan’s honor OUPBlog
October, 2, 2014 – Megan Shank interviews Peipei Qiu – Violent Expressions of the Imperialist Conquest Los Angeles Review of Books
August 13, 2014 – Q&A with Peipei Qiu: Chinese Comfort Women by Frances Alonzo Voice of America
June 24, 2014 – Writing China: Peipei Qiu, ‘Chinese Comfort Women’ Wall Street Journal
May 12, 2014 – Publishers Weekly Book Review on Chinese Comfort Women: Testimonies from Imperial Japan’s Sex Slaves
April 20, 2014 – Vancouver Sun Sex slaves’ stories shed light on a dark period in Japanese history by Stephen Hume
April 17, 2014 – Vice 70 Years Later, Japan Is Still Denying The Systematic Sexual Slavery Of Chinese ‘Comfort Women’ by Meghan Murphy
April 9, 2014 – AIRSHOW_024 : Why Westerners care about Chinese “Comfort Women”?
BC ALPHA Education Director Heather Evans being interview by AIRSHOW about the upcoming Author Talks on “Chinese Comfort Women: Testimonies from Imperial Japan’s Sex Slaves.”
More Reviews:
April 19, 2014 – 星島日報加西版《中國慰安婦:日軍性奴隸的證言》出版 列國遠撰文
April 18, 2014 – Feminist Current of Giving voice, for the first time in English, to the Chinese ‘comfort women’ by Thekla Lit & Heather Evans
April 17, 2014 – OMNI Mandarin News, Ding Viewpoint with Thekla Lit
April 10, 2014 – AIRSHOW_025 : 笑傲江湖 : 卑詩省史維會會長列國遠 Thekla Lit 介紹UBC Press 出版全球第一本以英文寫成,
April 5, 2014 – 烈治文公立圖書館多元文化部主任鄭素雲在加拿大中文電臺介紹 “Chinese Comfort Women: Testimonies from Imperial Japan’s Sex Slaves”. Listen Now
November 8, 2013 – 新书:《中国“慰安妇”的证词》《中国社会科学报》第521期